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Meals on Wheels

Image by Joel Muniz
woman in white long sleeve shirt sitting

About Meals on Wheels

We serve meals in Worcester County to residents who are unable to leave their homes. Meals are provided Monday through Thursday. 


This service is more than a meal, it is a friendly contact and check-in to make sure the resident is doing well. Many of our clients do not have anyone to check in on them and our staff may be their only daily/weekly contact. Our staff have found some of our participants in situations where they were injured, had fallen or needed help and would not have been able to make a phone call. Our meals on wheels staff are security and support for these clients. Many of our clients are isolated from family and may not have any friends to check on them.


For more information on our local program or to volunteer, please call 410.632.9915.



Even the most independent among us, if fortunate to live long enough, may experience a decline in mobility or health that can strip away our independence and diminish the quality of our lives. Great advances in medicine have extended our average life expectancy to a record high of 78.7 years. Living longer means more years spent in the struggles that accompany old age. Add to that the increase in geographic mobility of our families and the result is millions of seniors left behind, hungry and alone.



Meals on Wheels is powered by people just like you. Together, we are more than 2.4 million seniors, 2 million volunteers, 100,000 dedicated staff and tens of thousands of donors strong. And, we need your help to fund and protect the programs that support our seniors.

Visit the Meals on Wheels website for more info.


We would love to hear from you!

WorCOA Administrative Offices
4767 Snow Hill Rd
Snow Hill, MD 21863



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© 2022 Worcester Commission on Aging

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